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Often time, we look up to school for quality education for our children. Several surveys carried out had shown that going to school does not equate learning and that in fact there is global learning crisis. To solve this in the meantime, parents will have to take full responsibility of the education of their children. This is irrespective of your financial status as the story of a poor man who was able to do it rightly was shared in this article.

Since school lost its monopoly to homeschooling, online learning, etc., video lessons has become a powerful alternative for your child. From building a self learning spirit to mastering their learning at school, video lessons are becoming a powerful tool for learning.

Here is a conversation between Mama Bola and her neighbor, Mama Zahara. Mama Bola: Mama Zahara, there is this competition by the Federal government that requires primary school students to make and record a presentation about THE FUTURE OF NIGERIA.

One of the fundamental reasons why we have this factory model of education is to ensure that citizens are educated in mass between the 18th to 19th centuries when it was important to get a large workforce that will facilitate the industrial revolution happening at such a time

One of the banes of our society today is that most of us have become so selfish that we no longer care about the interest and feelings of the people around us. Our situation has degenerated to the level that everyone is now for himself and God for us all. Even to the level of the family

Young people are becoming the largest social media users and are spending a longer time on it. Unfortunately, one area we don't focus on regarding the effect of this exposure is the school - the classroom. We need to explore the effect of this usage on their learning. What is more important is what you as a parent should be doing about it.

I contemplated the idea of a bachelor's degree in 1 year. Crazy, right? Maybe. But then, I turned to google to see if there is an already ongoing conversation about the idea. At first glance, google did not hesitate to feed me with how it is already working